We're back and we're celebrating!! – Thanks Mom!
Christy: [00:00:00] Hello, everyone. Welcome back. We’re here. We’re glad that you are with us. I’m Christy
Grace: and I’m grace and you’re listening to
Christy: The thanks mom podcast.
Grace: I’m still in like zoom mode for that. I’m like, oh, you just go. I’m like, no, just kidding. Yes.
Christy: But we’re glad that we could record together and say it cuz
Grace: we’re back together.
It’s the summertime.
Christy: It is. But guess what? Why is this such a weird day?
Grace: Because we’re releasing on a Monday, which is, is strange. You’re not, you’re not reading it wrong. We didn’t post it wrong. Although that would probably be very in character for us to post on the the wrong day. Yeah. That would be
Christy: actually in character
Grace: for us, but we did it on purpose.
Christy: There’s significance for why we did it on purpose. And we’re releasing on a Monday
Grace: because a year ago, today was our first podcast release.
Christy: Yes, June 27th, 2021. We started this thanks mom podcast and we thought it would be clever. or at least symbolic or [00:01:00] something like that to release our next, not next episode, but season next season, next episode.
Welcome backing like episode. Welcome backing. Is that even word on our year anniversary back, welcoming back there. There we go. English is hard. Yes. I don’t know on our year anniversary. So that is really exciting for us. And this is. Time to celebrate our 36 episode,
Grace: our first birthday.
Christy: Yes. So if we had a candle, we’d be blowing it out.
Grace: Maybe we should like buy a cup, big fat cupcake tonight. Yes. We can put a candle in it for us to blow out. Yes. That would be fun. Well, I guess tomorrow, cause we’re recording this on the 26th. But so maybe tomorrow we’ll get a cup. I don’t know.
Christy: I don’t know. Or we could put a sparkler in it cuz it’s close to 4th of July, but not, not Roman candle.
Oh, to give a shout out, we talked about that. Okay. If you [00:02:00] guys have not listened and to Catholic stuff, you should
Grace: know. I’m just, I’m sorry. Well, I’m not sorry to all my Poland friends who now I hope I listened to this now and heard me mention Catholic stuff. So many times in Poland, they’re probably sick of it, but that’s okay.
Christy: Yeah, but it was who was it? Father?
Grace: Father Nathan GOK at the end, they did a whole episode on how celibacy is the higher calling, but not in a, like a derogatory way, but like going into this very touchy topic. And at the end, they’re very stressed cuz they’re like, we, we felt called to do this topic, but the, but people are gonna be mad at us cuz it’s mostly married people listening to us.
So then father Nathan GOBA went into like, it’s a huge, huge monologue after like some, some listener sent him. Whiskey whiskey. That’s what it was. And it was from Decatur, Decatur, Decatur, which was where he was fr. So anyways, if you looked up the episode, I’m. Stuff, pot Catholic stuff. You should know it’s called Celio Celio.
Yeah, but can’t
Christy: you just even Google and go like that, that whole just [00:03:00] little
Grace: monologue. No, you have to go to the episode. I don’t think they’re big enough for that.
Christy: Okay. Well, either way it went viral, it went viral because that’s for their
Grace: listeners. Right. So. Like that was like, when people were like, so what was your favorite like episode of Catholic stuff?
Like that was what so many people would say. Cause they had their like 10 year anniversary last year and everyone was like, celebr raio celebrate. I’m trying to make sure I’m saying the name, right?
Christy: Yeah. You gotta give them the, the actual episode number.
Grace: It was like way in like 2016, but then they had like a summer off and they posted replays of their most popular and it was one of the replays.
So if you’ll go to. Talk about something while you, while I find this cuz I,
Christy: well, anyway, so we’ve been off for a few weeks. The last one we had here, we were in crack out together on mother’s day. And since then grace has come home from Poland and now she
Grace: found it. Sal Baio, Sal Bario. It’s a repo.
You repost is the same exact one as the original. I don’t remember when they first recorded it. July 8th, 2021. So if you go scroll don’t, you can scroll. They have an episode. [00:04:00] No, they don’t have an episode number. Okay. But if you scroll to 2021 and find. Then you can find it. So the funny part is then he goes off after he like, gets the, like it’s sent this whiskey from this guy and he’s like, you are what America’s made of.
And I will fire a Roman candle in, in your honor with your sister pre or your family president. But I will, I will let a sparkler for your sister. Cause man, doesn’t, doesn’t fire a Roman candle at a woman. Like it just goes off and it’s talks like this, like stress, like huge patriotic thing. And he’s just ING comes out of nowhere cuz.
I don’t know, just this stress of, we just did this crazy thing and might as well. I’m not a weird note because I don’t know if we’re gonna be done well after this podcast. Cause people might destroy us. Who knows, like it was through the
Christy: patriotic music, Becca. So you have to, you
Grace: have to, you just have to look it up these weird quotes.
So now I quote it because I really love that. And it’s, and they put this patriarch music in the background. So now I quote it every 4th of
Christy: July. And it’s what our family does, and we all know what grace is talking about. And she almost has the whole thing. Like we’re, we’re talking about how you don’t fire a sparkle sparkler or you, no, you [00:05:00] don’t, you, you light a sparkler.
You do not fire a Roman candle at a woman according to father
Grace: Nathan. Yes. So
Christy: anyway, so that’s what we’re talking about.
Grace: That’s why we’re like, well, a sparkler in case you’re like, where did that come from? Yes. If you wanna hear it’s literally the last two minutes of that. It’s a good episode. It is a very good episode to listen to, but if you wanna know just what we’re talking about, go to the last two, July, 2021 Catholic stuff.
You should know last two minutes. Yeah, July 8th, July 8th. And. Soak getting friends. It’s just, it is Beau beautiful.
Christy: grace. I’ve gotta memorize. I’m gonna, I’m gonna light a sparkler in your honor, grace, but I not. What’s your family present. Possibly even your sister.
Grace: see. She could code it all, but it’s bad.
That’s I really shouldn’t. But
Christy: anyway, we digress. So we’ve been off. This is why you’re here, right? Exactly. To listen to us like banter and go on and on for and happy
Grace: other podcast banter. I’m just like, Ugh.
Christy: Oh no, this is ours anyway. Well, so what we’ve been doing, we’ve been, it’s been six weeks. You’re back home.[00:06:00]
Yes. That’s been a big thing. Yeah. And we’ve had a high, another high school graduate. So our family’s been very wrapped up with that, and that was a lot of busyness. We’ve dealt with. Oh, yes. We’ve had not one, but two broken down cars. Oh gosh. Yeah, that
Grace: has been a half. We had like a week and a half of we have no, no more than that.
We three, half drivers in our house. Well, a week and a half of down to one car car we had, we are down to one car and we have four and a half drivers. Yeah. As in Andrew is on permit. So he can drive with someone else. Kind of thing. So it’s, so we are a
Christy: month away from having five drivers in our house and we went down to one car that totally broke.
KA put seal later, you know, C
Grace: Chiara
Christy: the Tucson, the Tucson that rests and
Grace: is no more. Thank God. Bless its. Non-existent soul. May,
Christy: may we fire off a Roman candle in its honor? I don’t know. Was it a girl or a boy? Cuz we do a swipe a
Grace: [00:07:00] girl.
Christy: I think so. It’s did Gabe rename it as a boy? I don’t think Gabe bothered to name it.
Oh anyway, you could ask. So it was the kid car. It is no longer. So in the midst of that being no longer and you could pray for our search
Grace: for a perfectly
Christy: priced car. Yes. New car that we need in a few, a few weeks and not new. A new us car. Yeah. Because then after that went down and that was a little bit of a pain because the pain is because we have, like I said, four and a half drivers, my three oldest children, well, really four are working, but at least besides grace, three of them bike can bike two their location.
Yeah. Which is great. But grace is working downtown and full time, right?
Grace: Yeah. I’m in a, full-time in intern accounting internship at B fun things. Yes. Then trying to figure out. What area of accounting I want to do. I’m trying out tax this summer, so right. And I have to, to drive downtown, like, and I started a week after, after return.
So I slept got over jet lag in my [00:08:00] cold and then started
Christy: a new job. Right. And our senior in high school at that time. Well, he had just finished as well. And so he was biking, but also using that other car to drive and get around. And then it went kaput and went to car heaven if there is such a thing. And then while we’re dealing with that and figuring that out, Imagine
Grace: getting to heaven and God’s like, yes, over there is your
Christy: car, car, next door to where all your cars don’t even go.
Grace: Yeah, I was gonna, I was like, no, skip over the pets. We’re not talking about talking about cars. He’s like, if y’all wanna go see your cars I kept him in my heavenly garage over there. Okay. That just seems wrong.
Christy: Well, you said it know, think you were gonna go down that rabbit hole. Anyway, then Paul’s car. My husband’s car went KA put for a bit and for like a week and a half. So then we went down from just two cars to one car and we should be totally blessed. Like I went through this whole thing of talking to Paul.
I’m like, you know what, this, I grew up with just one car until I was like, I think. 8 9, 10 years old. And my mom just drove my dad to work. And [00:09:00] then she had the car on the day she needed it. And so we made it work. And actually it was a blessing when it happened, because I’m actually right now recovering from surgery.
So the first real big week of only having one car, grace was staying home and working from home. So we mm-hmm , it wasn’t as, and you’re not allowed to drive yet and I can’t drive. So now we’re back. We have that car finally got repair. And then, so grace can use that. Tell them why
Grace: you’re okay. Those so they don’t get really concern.
Yeah, I I’ve.
Christy: I had, yeah, I had a hip labrum tear issue with my muscle hip muscle. Like a muscle muscle. Yeah. Well, no, it’s like in the socket, but it’s been a long growing thing. So I’m, I’m fine. It was, you know, something after
Grace: cause so many people, when you say hip, think you
Christy: have hip surgery. No, I did not have a, I did not have a hip replace
Grace: clarifying, so people aren’t
Christy: worried.
Yes, I’m doing well. And it was after like a year. trying to do everything but surgery that we decided to up for the surgery. So hopefully that’ll yeah. Improve, but I’ve been a little later you’re right. So you’re not
Grace: allowed to
Christy: push the [00:10:00] pedal. Yes. So I can’t drive yet because of that. And. So that’s been a month full of
Grace: stuff.
Mm-hmm and then I started a summer class on top of my internship. Oh yeah.
Christy: That’s been pretty insane. And you only have a week left though.
Grace: Less than a week Friday. I’m done Friday of this week when this was released. I’ll be done guys. Yeah, this could be great.
Christy: Yeah. So pray for her this last week. So she can celebrate over the 4th of July, not with the Roman candle, but with a sparkler.
Yes. Cause she is a
Grace: woman. Yes. Well, I could fire my own Roman candle, someone just can’t fire a Roman candle. Yeah. That’s cause that’s disrespectful, but if I wanna. You know, I guess that doesn’t a big deal. I don’t know. Yeah. So yeah, pray that I passed. That’d be great. Yeah. Cuz it’s been a tough class. It’s a tough class.
Yeah. It’s a tough class on top. Like if, if that was my only focus, it’d be, it’d still be tough, but like there’s so many other things going on right now that split my attention. That is just a lot to, there’s just a lot going on. As you all can hear, we we’ve been a lot of balls weeks. [00:11:00] Yeah. Juggling a lot of balls in the air.
Christy: And then you’ll yeah, we’ll finish out the summer with your internship. The kids working we’ll do a little bit of family vacationing, hopefully mm-hmm and then like August, I feel like always switches gears to. band camp and VBS and all the
Grace: preschool stuff. Not, not preschool, not preschool
Christy: pre like preschool getting ready, preparing
Grace: like VBS is always there.
Band camp’s getting ready for
Christy: football season. Like you and Gabe will both move. So we’ll be moving two kids to college.
Grace: I move late though. So it’s gonna be nice. I, I don’t know if you move,
Christy: you’re gonna move much later than him cuz his
Grace: well compared to like everyone start school, I don’t start till the 30th.
I know. And he starts the 20. So, yeah, but he’ll have freshman orientation. I can move in like the day
Christy: before. Yeah. I’ll figure
Grace: that out. And just more of like everyone else, all the elementary and high schoolers, I’m gonna mm-hmm I’m gonna finish my internship on the 12th and then I’m just gonna. To chill.
It’s gonna be so nice after such a busy summer. yeah, I don’t have to do anything for two weeks.
Christy: Yeah. It will be nice for grace cuz she has been working [00:12:00] hard. Yeah. But you’re also making some good money and she’s gonna be a senior. You’re gonna be a senior next year. I know. I
Grace: can’t believe it. I can’t either.
I was telling someone, I was like C like everyone’s COVID like that 18 months really just erased, not race, but made things feel faster in some way. And so it just depends where you fell like your age, but I was like, It zoomed my made my college zoom, like that’s worded weird, but whatever, cuz it cut my freshman year off, early sophomore year was just weird.
And then, then I chose to go abroad. So that changed it too. But then my junior year was short and I even went back in junior year. Like wasn’t even much, it was a little like less C. crazy that compared to sophomore year, like, it wasn’t nearly as locked down, but it was still pretty tight when I was back in the fall and then things loosened up once I went to Poland.
But yeah, which was fun. It was funny watching all the emails come out of like, all right, now this is remove this restrictions ruin this. And I was like, I can’t even enjoy. Yeah. So I’m gonna go back and it’s gonna feel like freshman year, like this is just normal [00:13:00] life, all of a sudden, but this was, I haven’t had this at college for forever.
And then I was telling that I was like, I haven’t had. College spring break. Like it’s just weird the way it’s the timeline of this has hit. Yeah. Yeah. And so I’m like, I have not had one normal year of college and all of a sudden it’s my last year. And I’m like, where did that go? Oh, COVID
Christy: yeah. It is weird how it affects everything.
So the other big thing is I have launched my own brand and business, Christina and brown Is my brand name. And I’m launching into the Catholic speaking world, along with, you know, we’re still doing this podcast that we’re celebrating and excited about as well as life coaching. So you can. Check me my page out at Christina M.
Brown dot com and also follow me on Instagram at Christina underscore, underscore M underscore underscore brown and Facebook page too. And a lot of that’s connected to our thanks, mom, Facebook and [00:14:00] Instagram too. So we have a lot going on there. We’re actually having a promo right now. If you head to my website and.
Sign up for my email list. You’ll be entered to win a 15 minute coaching call with me a free coaching call. So,
Grace: so tell ’em as you’re looking that up. Yeah. Tell ’em like, what is coaching? Why you wanna do it? Why you wanna speak? Like where’d this whole, where’s your motivation for all this
Christy: come from?
Well, I think it started back when we were talking about starting this podcast that yeah, I had just stumbled onto made for greatness, which is a company that Really reaches out to Catholic women and wanting to help them strive to be saints in their motherhood. Yeah. Catholic moms specifically, and wanting them to strive to be saints and helping support them in loving the life God has given them.
And that really impacted me in terms of my mindset in my vocation, as a wife and a mother, and really seeing the gifts and talent God has given me. and [00:15:00] being able to articulate and communicate well, and also then wanting to really support that mission and take that on as my own in supporting other women, would it be like from young adults to up, you know, all ages of that and just being their coach in terms of, you know, like.
A lot of people ask like, oh, life coach, that’s new agey. What is that? And I like that the idea and thought of being a sports coach or an instructor to compare that to life coaching. Because a lot of times when you’re involved or you’re on the team or you’re in the game or you’re doing the activity, you can’t see the whole far reaching.
Perspective of that all and a life coach is someone who can take that zoom out view and really show you your mind and how you’re thinking and really help you and cheer you on and get you through some of those ups and downs. Somebody who’s walking with, you, giving you a fresh perspective and [00:16:00] revealing your mind tool you through, you know, talking and supporting and guiding.
Grace: Like often, like, I feel like it comes through a lot of the ways where it’s like, you hear someone talking you’re like, do you realize how you’re talking down on yourself? But you don’t. See that, like, you just see yourself talking and the way you see your life. And then when you try to explain that to someone else, it’s like, do you see the negative spin?
You’ve just put on, on this. Right. That’s just like, of course, you’re gonna feel like you’re just stuck. Like, I don’t know, one trying to give the yeah. A little more hands on. Right. And I think you, and I, the way I’ve seen it, the way as I’ve seen this unravel, and I’ve seen this like impact your life. And then through that impact of mine, just like this, very like, yeah, just taking.
Someone out, like you said, someone outside the situation has a better view. Right. And you don’t often think about that with just your own personal life, but it’s like, if you try, start to explain that to someone who understands that well, it’s very. it’s like, well, what if you came at with this approach and this mindset?
Christy: Yes. Through a different lens of, of just being able to, you know, reveal your thought process [00:17:00] to you and what type of mindset are you choosing to have? How are you choosing to use
Grace: your, your brain and your mind that God gave you? Yep. Like
Christy: that God given God’s given us these thoughts and these feelings and how can we utilize them or.
Th that everything that it’s not just involuntary, how we’re, we’re actually choosing our thoughts, which affect our, the, which obviously give us actions and results and trying to be more aware of that, of aware of how our mind is working and the thoughts that we’re having. So I just really gotten passionate about this and that kind of launched off this podcast that grace and I were like, this is fun just to talk about from different perspectives and having.
What mindset do we have from your perspective as a young woman and finishing your no right now your college career, but then you’re gonna be launching into the professional world and me as you know, a mother of six and where’s that at, and now God’s just taken me on this journey this year. And we were able to launch [00:18:00] this at the end of April.
In may here really getting in the thick of, you know, promoting life coaching. I’m now open to being booked for your conferences or different events that you may have. My page talks a lot about the different areas of speaking that I’ve can speak on or collaborate with you to come up with something specific.
And, yeah, so I’m just really excited where this takes and, and also just moving this podcast forward, grace and I are excited to talk. You know, new topics and new ideas yeah. In this next season and kind of get back to collaborating on
Grace: that guess your promo code though. That’s what you were trying to find.
Christy: I don’t think it, no, it’s not a promo code right now. Right now you go to Christina M. Brown dot com slash coaching. You can go and join my email list. And if you join the email list right now, we have. The promo of you will be entered to win a free 15 minute [00:19:00] coaching session with me. So that is what we’re talking about right now.
So we are excited to launch that and hope that you’ll take advantage of that bear. Yeah.
Grace: Especially if you’re just curious, you know, like, so what is this even like,
Christy: just discover more and we chat about it. But I think we’re also excited to move forward. With our podcast here and talking about, you know, what we wanna do and what topics we can touch on.
and we’d love to hear from you, especially our listeners to drop us a line and we’ll have to put up with this like, topics that you wanna hear about. We’ll put a little question box up. Mm-hmm for this next one of what we wanna talk of, what you wanna talk about, or if you want to be a guest with us, we were able to bring in our last season.
Yeah. Guests and different people to be on our show. And we would love to have more people. Or the other thing is if you wanna start to [00:20:00] advertise us or, you know, people out there who would like to have some promotion with us, please let us know. You guys can DM us for any of those things on Instagram or Facebook at thanks, mom podcast.
Grace: So all the, all of the above. Yeah. Yeah. Just try to see yeah. Push forward and like the Lord’s well, in the, where he is calling this to go specifically your business and stuff just getting excited to see. .
Christy: Yeah, for sure. What are topics that you’re excited to talk about this season, grace?
Grace: Oh gosh, I gotta remember.
Cuz we were just jotting these down cuz there’s things that kept coming to mind. I was like, I’m so excited to start the podcast back up because I have all these things I just wanna talk about that are on my mind. Mm-hmm what I wanna talk about. Why is it I’m pulling up our list? I’m cheating because you’re cheating
Christy: because I don’t
Grace: remember.
What did we
Christy: say? We have a lot of different things. I really, I wanna talk about freedom. That one keeps coming up. So I’m excited for our podcast and that about a lot of different freedom topics. Well,
Grace: I wanted to talk about the Eucharist. That was something that was coming up, cuz it was Corpus Christi.
And just a lot [00:21:00] of like, if it’s the source and sum of our faith, faith, what is that like? Oh, we didn’t tell, talk about just the big thing that happened this week though.
Christy: I know that’s a whole nother.
Grace: Yeah, just. I’m just so excited
Christy: about, about the overturning of Roe V. Wade. Yeah. That is no
Grace: longer. Oh my goodness.
Friday was such an exciting day. Like guys, I was just so, Ugh. It just was the biggest thing that struck me. I was like, starting today. At least I found, I found a number today at least 880 babies are saved today or up to, I think it was that like, because of the laws that were overturned, just the excitement of just life overcoming and very, very Easter like of just life overcame death.
Yeah. And just the joy of that. I’ve just been living on that high for like two days. That’s just been amazing that wasn’t a podcast topic. That was just something else we’re talking about what what’s been happening in our life. But yeah, no, I wanna talk about the Eucharist. I’m sorry. I’m jumping off. You [00:22:00] are, you’re all over the place.
But that was something I wanted bring up. I was like, it’s just all the things that’ve been happening. I was like, that’s just been a huge victory and joy. , you know, comes with a lot of complications of course, and different feelings behind all of it, but a lot, definitely a victory and a reason to rejoice.
Christy: I wanted to talk about enoughness and the should haves and how we’re always like, oh, I should have this, or I should be that. Or am I enough? You know, we’re we wanna talk about that in different types of, you know, just relationships and how does that how’s that affected? Or the gray zone. Oh yes.
Grace: That’ll be a good one. I’ll explain about that later. that’s something I want to talk about. Yep.
Christy: Or just our whole tagline of living out the extraordinary in the ordinary. I wanted go more into
Grace: that. Like almost, even if it’s just for us explain like, like just to touch back to like, okay, so what, why are we doing this?
And let’s re dive back into that and just. it’s been a year now. So what’s our perspective on that. Like, I don’t know. I feel like we’ve talked [00:23:00] about that, but I just had
Christy: great perspective, like just in this ordinary or the, in this green times that that really struck me is green as in green, as ordinary time.
And we’re in this big stretch before the end of our liturgical year. So that will be a fun topic that we’ll probably do the next few weeks since. We’re really, you know, we were, we have come out of the Easter season and moving into the longest stretch of the liturgical year. That’s ordinary time. And how that doesn’t mean that it’s not important, you know, because that is much of our daily living.
So I’m excited to go into that. Yeah, so we have lots of great ideas besides trying to have some, you know, guests on, I wanna have my friend and. Other life, coach Larissa, Hornon to talk about dreaming being holy. And we’re hoping to schedule that soon. So it will be a great season. Yeah. So it’s just exciting that we’re here at one year.
Grace: Yeah. One year ago, I think a one year it feels like a lot
Christy: longer. [00:24:00] I, well, I, we had, we, it was broken up a lot though. Like we started in the summer, you went off to college.
Grace: Let me pause. You came home? No, we kept going into college. We paused at Christmas.
Christy: Yep. We paused at the holidays. Got ready to send you to Poland.
Then before you went to Poland, we started again and we
Grace: batched and then we didn’t record as much in Poland cause we had recorded ahead before I left. So that’s part of it too. So then. and then we finished posting them all recorded a few finished mm-hmm and kind of repod even though we kind of paused
Christy: cause we just had yeah, cuz life was full.
Yeah. You were coming back the graduation and here we are. Yeah, I know. So it feels like kind of like three or four years in the midst of one because of
Grace: that. So this just had a lot of ups and downs and, but good in the sense of like flow of recording and posting and stuff and how we’ve done it and how it shifted and approaches we’ve taken.
Christy: But yet we hear we, we heal, we heal grace. yeah,
Grace: we hear in case you didn’t know, we, he is here. Oh, he is here and
Christy: we’re just [00:25:00] excited that it’s been a year. I’m excited to see where this goes. I’m excited for the listeners. We have, that’ll keep listening and those to come and just ask the, yeah. To the Lord to bless this and take it where he wants.
Grace: So, yeah. Amen know, so
Christy: hallelujah,
Grace: hallelujah. hallelujah.
Christy: Grace is gonna break into song. She’s gonna create another thanks mom. Podcast song. Oh yeah. Oh, we should say that before we wrap up, do you know for how much my daughter loves music? Loves music. Shameful
Grace: moment.
Christy: I’m not trying to shame you grace, but it, it just, grace did not had never seen sister ex, so it’s, it could be a shameful moment for you, but all the, also a mom feel for me, like, how had she not seen sister?
Not just one or not just two, just even the original she had not seen until like a week ago. Yeah. And Ava Ava’s seen it before you
Grace: it’s. Okay. And it’s really funny guys, every once in a while, mom and dad will just be like, okay, so have you seen this some classic movie? And I’ve seen a good amount of [00:26:00] classics, but there’s some classics.
I don’t know. I still don’t know how I haven’t seen them. Yeah. And I know they’re on, like I should have, but I haven’t. But then it, I crack up when they ask me, they’re like, how have you not seen this?
Christy: I. You’re my parents. It’s your job to make sure I see these. Yeah.
Grace: Like if a friend asks me, I can be like, I just haven’t gotten to it, whatever, but I just tease them whenever they’re like, how have you not seen this movie?
I’m like, that’s on you. I know, I think
Christy: I need to add that to your dad’s thing. So my husband’s thing is that when our children leave our house, there’s three things that they need to be well versed in to know Jesus Christ have a personal relationship, no love and serve the. no, what is good wine? good wine and good beer, but also good wine.
No good music, not just what is good music, but who wrote it now? This is all Paul’s. Cause I’m not good at this, but he quizzes them. Not just my kids, any, any friend they bring into our house. So maybe we need to add on their, just play a song and be,
Grace: do you know what artist this is? And they’re like, no. And he’s like, you need to know this.
This is history. Like
Christy: [00:27:00] he’ll give them like three to five and be like, Nope, fail. Nope. Next. And they make sure they get one or two. It’s just, I think Ava’s like the.
Grace: Though. Yeah, but she’s pretty good. So now we have to add,
Christy: now we have to add movies. No good movies. Yeah. Like good
Grace: classic movies. So by the time I move out in a year, I need to be well versed in these things.
Yes. I need to take a test. Yes. And
Christy: make sure yes. I know. I’ll have to have him come up with a test. Maybe he’ll have that. I’ll say you have a year to come up with a test to qualify. If you are able to leave her house or not, most people kick their kids out. Like when they’re talking, we detain them until they can pass Paul’s test.
Grace: you’re like, you’re not you can’t, you’re not gonna be able to survive in the world and you can’t do
Christy: this. Yes. Paul’s test is mandatory to leave this household. yeah. It’s
Grace: like, oh my.
Christy: Anyway. All right, folks,
Grace: subscribe, rate, review, check out our Instagram at things. Mom podcast. Join our Facebook page. If you haven’t.
Thanks mom podcast. You can check out mom, Christina M. Brown dot com or [00:28:00] Christina underscore underscore M underscore underscore brown at
Christy: ins on Instagram, on Instagram either or, and on Facebook at Facebook at Christina
Grace: and brown. Yeah, and we, I think if you, you already follow us on Facebook, if you just go to our link tree.
In our bio, I linked her her page right there. So you can easily access it that way. You don’t have to go search all these things. Just go to our Instagram, it’s all attached.
Christy: And comment on our post on this one on future topics, future speaker, I think I’ll put something on the story
Grace: right after this.
We can take a quick video and just be like, sure. What’s our new thing. Yeah.
Christy: What? Yeah, we can post a picture or something like that. So. All right guys. Yeah. Thanks so much. We’ll talk to you. We’ll see you next time on the thanks mom podcast.